Guest Information at Sebonack Golf Club

Sebonack is committed to providing all members and their guests with the most enjoyable club experience possible. To uphold these standards, members and their guests are expected to act in a manner consistent with good taste and consideration for other members.

Dress Code

It is expected that members and children of members dress in a fashion befitting the surroundings and atmosphere provided in the setting of the Club. Please notify your guests of the following policies.

Proper golf attire is required for all players. This dress code policy applies to every area of the Club with the exception of the privacy of the Golf Cottages.

Men are required to wear collared shirts and they should be tucked in at all times. Slacks or Bermuda-length shorts are considered appropriate. Cargo shorts are not acceptable attire.

Ladies are required to wear slacks, skirts, dresses or Bermuda-length shorts. Shirts must have either collars or sleeves.


Men should remove their hats in the Dining Room.

Club Grounds: Caps or hats worn on the Club grounds must have the brim facing forward.

The following items of clothing for both men and women are not allowed on the golf course or in the Clubhouse: Cargo shorts, tank tops, tee shirts, mesh shirts, sweat pants, warm-up suits, jeans, denim apparel, spandex and like attire, swim wear, short shorts, cut-offs, gym shorts, and tennis outfits. Improperly dressed golfers will be asked to change before playing.

Golf Shoes

Appropriate golf shoes are required for all golfers. Golf shoes with “soft spikes” or spikeless golf shoes must be worn by all golfers. For the players’ convenience, Sebonack will change metal spikes to a spikeless alternative for members and guests prior to play. Sebonack assumes no responsibility whatsoever for the product supplied of for any injuries or problems of any nature associated with wearing such.

Cell Phones

Cell phones, pagers, Blackberry’s and any other wireless communication devices are strictly prohibited on the golf course. Cell phones and other electronic devices may only be used in the parking lot or in specifically identified areas of the Clubhouse.

Guest Play Etiquette

The pace of play for a four-ball should not exceed four hours and ten minutes in all circumstances. It is the responsibility of each group to keep pace with the group ahead. In the unusual event that a group falls one hole behind the group in front, the following group must be invited to play through. It is the member’s responsibility to insure that their guests play at the required pace.

A round of golf at Sebonack starts with the Caddie Master. You must check with him before the start of a round. He will assign caddie and a golf cart, if necessary. During normal hours of play you must have a caddie, even if you are using a golf cart.

Please let us know if there is anything we can do to make your visit to Sebonack more enjoyable.

©  2025 Sebonack Golf Club